Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Poodles - Frogs & Butterflies

 Today I thought I would let you all in on what exactly I take pictures of when I’m not photographing a human. However, my toy poodle gets treated pretty much like a human. Her name is Nova, yes after the car. She is four months old and she thinks that she runs our house. Well there is no “thinks” to it, she does. Nova has everyone in the house wrapped around her cute little paw. With that being said here is...

Photo # 1
If you can’t tell; she is spoiled rotten.

Photo # 2
Nova pretending to be asleep with hopes that someone will scratch her belly.

Photo # 3
Last but not least, this would be Nova helping me test out my new background set. Really, she thinks that this pillow belongs to her, and she was not very happy that I had taken it.
Ok, but seriously I do more than just take pictures of my dog…

Photo # 4
Everybody loves Lantana.

Photo # 5
This guy came to our house & hung out all day one day about a month ago.

Photo # 6
Ok, so I’m just going to be completely honest. I’m absolutely obsessed with these tiny frogs. We have a small pond in our flower bed and every year we have tons of these little guys. I LOVE them! I even made my boyfriend help me catch some one day and put them in a cup so I could have a photo session with these cute little frogs. They are all different colors; I wish that I could take a picture of every single one.

Anyways, I guess that is enough of me rambling for today. Happy Tuesday.

Monday, August 29, 2011

First Blog Ever!!

Ok guys, this is my first blog ever. Therefore, you'll have to forgive me if it's boring or uncoordinated. I decided to do this so maybe so of you can get to know me a little better.... Actually, it's just an excuse for me to post more pictures :)

So, I'm gonna let you all in on my first newborn experience. Last week I decided I was going to master photographing babies in one session, no problem. Ha... yeah, no. I reallyyy should have done my research before attempting this. So my mom has made all of these great crochet newborn hats, diaper covers, props, etc. I'm thinking okay, a baby isn't very big how hard can this be. I mean really, the baby is going to sleep the entire time and I'm just going to put it in whatever position I want. I was also thinking that the "sleeping baby" would stay in that position. Once again... yeahhh, no.

I'm sure you have figured out by now that I do not have children, nor am I around newborns very often. So, about an hour into the session we've already had to stop probably five times, the baby has ate, had its diaper changed.... I'm thinking we're ready to go. Yeah... ok, no. So we spend the next hour trying our best to pose this baby. Finally I give up. Mom has to rock the baby to sleep...

So, now my hope is back! Yes, a "sleeping baby"! A baby that has been fed, burped, new diaper, and asleep. I'm home free :) I take about three pictures, then decide I'm going to position the baby. Nope, he was like trying to bend a two by four in half. Ok, so now what?? I have the bright idea that if the baby won't move we'll just take his diaper off and take some CUTE naked baby pictures. Yeah that worked out great until the baby peed on my chair.

Three hours later... I'm sad, confused, and in shock all at the same time. Needless to say I went and visited my old trusty friend, YouTube, to learn the secrets of photographing a newborn. Thank you Sarah so so much for being patient with me and trusting me with your new baby. He was a joy.

Here is baby Dakota